Browse Articles By Tag: teens wilderness camps
Christian drug rehabs address the needs of troubled teens using a Christian-based philosophy. There are also boarding schools that are do not identify themselves as Christian but still utilize the underlying values and principles of Judeo-Christian religions such as respect, honesty, hard work to he…
04.11.2011 · From abhooba
These free schools in Illinois are dedicated to social change through free education and community building. They encourage self-reliance, critical consciousness, and personal development, living conn...
01.01.1970 · From abhooba
There are numerous licensed youth treatment programs, specialty boarding academies and wilderness treatment centers for helping the lives of harassed children and adolescents. Treatment centers recomm...
01.01.1970 · From abhooba
Summer camps are like have military-style camping centers. The amenities offered by these army encampment centers help to transform a troubled teen into someone better behaved who follows rules. Thus,...
01.01.1970 · From abhooba